
1669 年,伦勃朗 63 岁,这是他生命的最后一年,这年他又画了三幅自画像。这三幅画如今分别收藏在佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆、伦敦的国家美术馆,和海牙的莫里茨美术馆。

有趣的是,前些天这三幅中的两幅同时出现在了上海,在东一美术馆「乌菲齐大师自画像」和上海博物馆「从波提切利到梵高:英国国家美术馆珍藏展」分别展出,从外滩到人民广场,这两幅最后的伦勃朗,跨越 350 多年和半个地球,又重聚在了一起。

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The 2023 Rijksmuseum Vermeer Exhibition: Present and Absent

Exhibition Details

Time: February 10, 2023 – June 4, 2023

Location: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Exhibits: 28 of the 37 (including controversial) Vermeer works, with "Girl with a Pearl Earring" being withdrawn on March 30th and returned to The Hague


The Exhibition Tickets (includes entry to permanent collection): 30 euros per person, with specific time slot reservations required. Tickets have sold out.

‘Friend’, The Museum Annual Pass: 50 euros for one person, 75 euros for one person with a guest. No reservations required, but has also sold out due to high demand.

However, more tickets will be available on March 6th, according to the museum officials.

What are the featured works in the exhibition?

The following works are presented in chronological order of creation. As the specific creation dates of most works are disputed in academic circles, only rough time periods are provided. The titles of the works have been selected based on those used by the official exhibition website. The pictures used in this translation are the main images found on the Wikipedia page. As Vermeer’s research has been very active in recent years, with new viewpoints emerging or being overturned, this exhibition is a culmination of those efforts.

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2023 荷兰维米尔大展的有和无

The English Version of this post:



时间:2023.2.10 – 2023.6.4


展品:当前 37 幅(含争议)维米尔作品中的 28 幅(其中「戴珍珠耳环的少女」 3.30 撤展回海牙)


特展票(也可以进常设展):30 欧元/人,需预约具体时间点,二月初已售罄

博物馆年卡:50 欧元单人,75 欧元可任带一人,不用预约,但因太火爆也已停售

也就是说,目前正常的方式都已经售罄了,官方说 3 月 6 日会新有一点票放出


以下按创作时间排序,由于大部分作品的具体创作时间学术上都有争议,所以只能按大致时间。作品题目也有诸多不同表述,选取了本次展览官网使用的名字。图片选用的是 Wikipedia 词条主图。近些年维米尔的研究非常活跃,不断有新的观点出现或被推翻,这次也是一个阶段性的梳理呈现。

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